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  • Julia

Angthong is a national marine park in Thailand

Angthong is a national marine park located in the province of Suratthani in Thailand in the Gulf of Siam of the South China Sea. The park consists of 42 islands with a total area of about 84 km². The water area is 102 km². The climate of the park is influenced by the monsoons, which bring heavy rain.

Anthong Marine Park, which in Thai means “Golden Bowl”, is in absentia familiar to those who saw the film “The Beach” with Leonardo DiCaprio. The fight scene of the main character with crocodiles was filmed on the shore of Lake Tale Nye, which is also called Emerald. This natural body of water, connecting with the sea underwater opening, located on the island of Mae Ko and is considered one of the attractions of the marine park. The territory of the park, founded in 1980, covers 42 islands, only one of which is inhabited. They say that it was settled by sea gypsies who are engaged in fishing. The reserve area is 250 square meters. km, but tourists can see only a small part of it.

The archipelago is located near the island of Koh Samui, from where excursions to the marine park begin. Many travel companies on Samui offer organized tours to several nearby islands. The road to the nearest island takes about 2 hours, so the excursion is for the whole day. Tourists must show the largest island of Anthong - Koh Vua Talap. Here is a kind of "headquarters" of the marine reserve, a small restaurant and a museum. Travelers get the opportunity to explore the desert beaches, swim in the coastal waters, see the coral reef with bright marine life. Some tour organizers offer boat trips. This is the only way to visit inaccessible limestone caves.

Hiking on two or three islands will appeal to nature lovers. Anchtong Marine Park is home to 16 species of mammals, 5 amphibian species and many bird species.

This reserve includes 40 islands of completely different sizes and shapes. All these islands are located northwest of Samui.

The reserve has many lagoons, beaches and limestone caves. Here live such representatives of the fauna as leopards, as well as various birds and reptiles. There is an opportunity to go diving.

From the observation deck, which is located at an altitude of 400 meters, you can explore the surroundings.

And the reserve Anhtong is considered an attractive place for diving. Diving enthusiasts come here to admire the underwater scenery and explore the depths of the sea. Someone even takes pictures of fish and other marine life, getting bright shots. Here in the depths of the sea you can find the most interesting unusual fish.

The Ankhtong Reserve is a place where you want to return again and again!

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