Victoria Falls

On the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia is one of the most beautiful waterfalls on the planet - the beautiful Victoria Falls. It is located on the Zambezi River and has a width of about 1,800 meters, while the maximum height of the waterfall reaches 120 meters. The pioneer of this unique natural attraction is a researcher from Scotland, David Livingstone, who traveled to these places in 1855, and it was he who decided to name the waterfall in honor of Queen Victoria.
It is important to note that the waterfall has a lot of unique features that distinguish it among others. Victoria is the only waterfall on the planet that, with a width of more than a kilometer, has a height of more than one hundred meters. Locals discovered the waterfall much earlier and gave it the sonorous name “Greater smoke”, which fully reflects another important feature of the waterfall. Water falls from the rocks with such force that it forms a thick fog, in clear weather it can be seen at a distance of 20 km.
The first bridge over the Zambezi River was built in 1905, it was located in close proximity to the waterfall. It is believed that after the opening of the bridge, an amazing natural object began to attract tourists. It is noteworthy that local residents have found practical application of a mighty waterfall, several hydroelectric power stations have been built off the banks of the Zambezi River, which today supply large cities of both countries with electricity. After admiring the picturesque landscapes, tourists can visit the Victoria Falls Museum and learn more about this beautiful creation of nature.
Greater Zimbabwe

In the southern part of Africa there is a unique complex of ruins under the general name “Greater Zimbabwe”. Not everyone knows that the African country of the same name received its name in honor of this archaeological site. According to historical data, more than a thousand years ago the Shona tribes lived in these places, they erected numerous buildings, the ruins of which are of such interest for tourists and researchers today.
According to rough estimates, the Great Zimbabwe was founded in the 12th century BC, since its foundation, the city has existed for no more than 300 years. The reason why a large city became empty after a few hundred years remains unknown. The main feature of the ruins is their architectural characteristics. All the buildings in Greater Zimbabwe were built from the same stone monoliths of the correct form, which simply fit each other without using any bonding materials.
It is surprising that with such features of the buildings they managed to partially survive more than 3,000 years later. One of the most interesting parts of the archaeological complex is the so-called "road barrier" - a huge stone circle with a diameter of 89 meters. The total length of the stone wall is 244 meters, and the height of the structure is 10 meters. The purpose of such facilities modern scientists can only guess.
Mana Pools National Park

Those who love natural attractions more will enjoy exploring Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe. This corner of wildlife is located in the northern part of the country, on the banks of the Zambezi River. Its main distinguishing feature is the abundance of wetlands, whose fresh water attracts a huge number of wild animals. The typical inhabitants of the reserve are buffaloes and elephants, leopards and cheetahs, as well as the Nile crocodile.
The reserve area is 219,600 hectares; during the dry season, it becomes a real salvation for wildlife populations. The water in many neighboring rivers during the drought period is completely dry, so most of the representatives of the local fauna rush into the marshland. During a tour of the reserve, visitors can see rare black rhinos, as well as African elephants and lions, hyena dogs, as well as various types of antelopes and zebras are found in these places.
Fascinating safaris are regularly held on the territory of the national reserve, the best time to visit these scenic spots is the period from May to October. On the territory of the reserve and in its immediate vicinity several campgrounds and lodges were equipped, so tourists always have the opportunity to stay longer in these unique places. The reserve will also appeal to lovers of fishing, who will have the opportunity, accompanied by experienced guides, to go to one of the local lakes.
Devil's pool

Some incredibly scary pools were created by nature itself, an excellent example is the Devil's Pool, located on top of the Victoria Falls. This powerful waterfall is the highest in the world, swimming in its pools is very dangerous for life. In recent years, and the result of such innocent, at first glance, entertainment killed more than 15 people. The height of Victoria Falls is 128 meters, every second it drops tons of water into a narrow gorge.
Before the very precipice into which the falls of the waterfall are being torn down, the water washed out a rather large natural pool, where travelers from all over the world strive to take a swim in which to take memorable photos. Swim at a distance of less than a meter from the edge of the abyss - a great entertainment for anyone who loves the thrill. All that separates in this case from falling into the abyss is a small natural barrier of stone, whose thickness is about 30 cm.
This amazing natural pool is located near Livingston Island, travelers can reach it only by water. To reach the Devil's Pool on your own is literally impossible; the last hundred meters to the summit must be climbed on very difficult terrain. Only experienced local guides can take tourists to safe places, they can easily bypass all dangerous currents and pitfalls. Tours to the pool spend every day, but it is recommended to book them in advance. The number of tourists who can visit the natural sight every day is limited and is about 60 people.