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The Cathedral of the Paris Bogomámeri


The Cathedral of the Paris Bogomámeri, also the Paris Cathedral of Notre Dame, Notre Dame de Paris or Notre Dame de Paris is a Catholic church in the center of Paris, one of the symbols of the French capital. The Cathedral of the Archdiocese of Paris.

The monumental and majestic Cathedral of Notre Dame rises on the Cite Island in the center of Paris. His amazing story is full of terrible events, bloody, bold and epic.

In ancient times on this place stood the Gallo-Roman temple of Jupiter, which was demolished and put in its place the first Christian church in Paris - the Basilica of St. Stephen. And only from 1163 to 1345, they began to erect the Notre Dame de Paris here. During the Great French Revolution, the Cathedral was proclaimed the Temple of Reason.

The cathedral amazes with its data, which fascinate and plunge into a stupor any tourist. Can you imagine such numbers?

building height - 35 m;

the length of the Cathedral is 130 m;

the width of the temple is 48 m;

height of bell towers - 69 m;

the weight of the bell Emmanuel - 13 tons;

the weight of his tongue is 500 kg.

The unusual architecture of the Cathedral is also surprising; its distinctive feature is a certain duality:

There are elements of the Romanesque style from Normandy: power and strength;

and here are used innovative achievements of the Gothic style, which give the building lightness and some airiness.

At the top of the Cathedral you can see the scary images of gargoyles and chimeras, which with their faces cast a mystical horror.

Notre Dame Cathedral inside Paris is no less interesting than the outside. Only here you can see such relics as:

Crown of thorns of Jesus Christ;

the largest body with 111 registers and about 8,000 pipes;

paintings and sculptures of various artists, kept in the chapel and presented as a gift to the Council annually;

chandelier of the Cathedral, made of silvered bronze according to the design of Viollet-le-Duc.

You can walk around the Cathedral for hours, looking at the masterfully executed sculptures of the dark medieval and remembering the novel of the same name by the great Victor Hugo.

Being in Paris and not seeing the Notre-Dame de Paris is the same as not being in Paris at all. This monument crowns the best sights of Paris and leaves indelible impressions in the heart of every tourist.

Another feature of the cathedral design is that there is not a single internal wall. They are replaced by columns connected by arches, and the rooms are separated from each other by stained glass.

It is believed that the cathedral is kept one of the nails, through which the cross was knocked together for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. On the other hand, the same thing is said about 30 more nails located in different countries.


My name is Julia! I like to travel on foot, by car, by plane, by boat, by train, by bus ... Waiting for weekends, holidays, to go on a trip, to see new, to visit interesting.

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