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Top 10 most unusual desserts from around the world


These sweets may seem strange even to gourmets.

Deep Fried Chocolate Bar, Scotland


Expand the bars, put them on a dish and place in the freezer for 3 hours. Set the saucepan with butter (for deep-frying) to heat to medium heat. As it heats up, cook deep-fried. In a deep plate, add 1 cup of flour, soda and salt, mix. In a cup of milk, add vinegar and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, mix well. Then add the liquid to the plate with flour, soda and salt, and mix everything thoroughly until a smooth consistency of sour cream. When the oil begins to boil - you can fry the bars. Remove them from the freezer, roll in flour first (half of the cup you should have left), then dip it in hot fan, and throw in the butter. Fry the bar until brown and remove from the butter on the dish. Sprinkle them with powdered sugar. Grilled chocolate bars are ready!

Deep-fried chocolate bars are a favorite delicacy of Scotchmen. Among the most popular are sweets "Bounty" and "Mars". Nutritionists call this particular delicacy a “nightmare” because of its high cholesterol content, which leads to clogged arteries.

Pancakes with blueberries and bacon, USA

Lush pancakes with berries and crispy crispy bacon - a favorite breakfast of Americans. They eat pancakes hot, generously sprinkling them with maple syrup.


1. Mix the flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt in a large bowl. Lightly beat the egg with the milk.

2. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and slowly pour in the milk, stirring with a whisk.

3. Add melted butter and half blueberries. Read also: Blueberry and Honey Smoothie

4. Simultaneously fry the strips of bacon in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Meat should be slightly crispy.

5. Heat the oil pan. Spoon 3-4 pancakes into a frying pan. Each pancake should be about 7 cm in diameter.

6. Fry for about 3 minutes until small bubbles appear on the surface of each pancake. Then turn and fry for another 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Repeat with the remaining dough.

7. Serve the pancakes with maple syrup and bacon, sprinkle with the rest of the berries. If desired, decorate with powdered sugar.

Guinness Chocolate Beer Cake, Ireland

Due to the content of dark, thick and aromatic beer, the cake is moist, richly chocolate and very nourishing. On top of it is covered with whipped cream or melted chocolate. During baking, all alcohol evaporates, so children can eat dessert.


Guinness Beer 3 cup

Red currant 130 g

Dark chocolate 230 g

Kefir ¾ cup

Sugar 1.5 cups

Wheat flour 2 glasses

Butter 120g

4 egg eggs

Vanillin 2.5 tsp

Baking Powder 1.5 tsp

Salt 3 tsp

Red Currant Jelly ½ cup

Soda 1.2 tsp.

Walnuts 130 g

Cream 30% 1.5 cups

Brown sugar 0.3 cups

Cocoa powder 7 tablespoons

Icing sugar 4.5 tablespoons


1. Make a blank for the cream. Cream bring to a boil and remove from heat. Grind chocolate into cream and stir until completely dissolved, until the mass is smooth. Cover the bowl with cling film and place in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

2. Fill the currants with 2/3 cup of beer. Leave for 15 minutes. Then the beer is poured into a separate bowl, and the currants are set aside.

3. Add cocoa to the drained beer and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and dissolve into chocolate, stir to smoothness and cool slightly.

4. Pour kefir and stir. Separately, grind the softened butter with sugar. Add eggs one at a time, carefully beat each time.

5. In a separate bowl, mix the flour, vanilla, baking powder, soda and salt. And add to the egg-oil mixture.

6. Then turn the chocolate-kefir mixture. Lastly, pour the currants there. Knead beautiful thickish dough. Divide it into two halves.

7. Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake two cakes for 30–35 minutes, check with a wooden stick.

8. For impregnation, mix Guinness, cocoa, brown sugar and vanillin and bring to medium heat to a smooth state. Cooling down. The task is to riddle the cakes with a skewer. Then we saturate the cakes with syrup. You must use all the syrup, do not be afraid that they will be wet.

9. We take jelly from red currant and heat it on medium heat to a watery state. One of the cakes is put on a serving dish and grease the top with heated jelly. Put the cake in the fridge for 30 minutes.

10. At this time, finish the cream. In three hours our billet should thicken so that it can be stirred with a spoon with an effort. Add the icing sugar, cocoa and salt to it and carefully mix until a smooth thick cream is obtained.

11. Putting a cake. We spread on the cake with jelly about a quarter of the volume of the cream. Cover with the second cake. Dab the remaining cream top and sides.

12. Chop walnuts with a knife, not too shallow. Grab a handful of nuts and press to the sides of the cake around the entire circumference. If you wish, you can sprinkle and top.

13. We give the cake a little stand, grapple together, so to speak, somewhere a couple of hours!

Avocado Ice Cream, Brazil

In Brazil, they make amazing ice cream from any tropical fruit - pineapple, banana, mango, guava, and even avocado. To prepare the dessert, the avocado's oily pulp is whipped together with condensed milk and lime juice.


In a blender, chop together the avocado pulp, lime juice and condensed milk until smooth. Try the taste. If necessary, add more condensed milk or sugar and mix again with a blender.

* When cooking any ice cream, you should always keep in mind that in frozen form it will seem less sweet than in unfrozen.

Whip cream until soft peaks and mix with mashed avocado and condensed milk, adding cream in portions and gently stirring from the bottom up.

Spread the resulting mass into ice cream makers (or any silicone molds, you can take muffin tins), insert sticks, send at least 4 hours in the freezer.

Thanks to condensed milk, large ice crystals in this ice cream are not formed, so there is no need for an ice cream maker here and you do not need to mix it during freezing.

Cake Drop Japan

It contains nothing but agar-agar and pure spring water. To give a drop of flavors, dessert is served with maple syrup and soy flour. Experienced chefs advise: it is important that the jelly is completely transparent, otherwise the dessert will look like silicone implants.


1. Agar-agar diluted with mineral water and set on a small fire. While stirring, bring to a boil and let simmer another five minutes.

Pour into the form and send in the fridge.

2. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan until golden brown.

3. Put the “Raindrop” cake on a plate, next to pour a little wedge syrup and spread the fried flour.

To form a dessert was flawless, you need to take the “right” capacity. Silicone mold fits perfectly. Transparent cake “drop of water” will be, if you prepare the water - first boil and cool, and then “work” with it, according to the recipe. Do not replace agar with gelatin! Even if you are a virtuoso in the preparation of gelatin-based jelly and you can make any gelatinous PP dessert, for example, cottage marshmallow, for the “raindrop”, stock up with agar-agar. Only this way taste, aroma, transparency, consistency, smooth surface and color of the unique treat will be perfect!

Chicken Pudding, Turkey

Tavuk-geksu - Turkish dessert, milk pudding from chicken meat. One of the most famous delicacies that were served by the Ottoman Sultans in Topkapi Palace. It is considered a "specialty" Turkish dish.


one half chicken fillet (250-300 gr.)

1 l. of milk

1 cup of sugar

5 tbsp. l rice flour

Vanilla optional

Cinnamon for sprinkling


Wash chicken breast and boil until cooked, about an hour.

Cool the finished fillet and disassemble into very thin fibers. Then rinse with cold water 3-4 times, and squeeze well.

Pour the milk into the pan, add sugar, vanilla, if used, and rice flour. Mix thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no lumps, and put on the fire.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat and cook until thick for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Add chicken fillet, mix and remove from heat.

Kill the resulting mass with a blender until homogeneous, and pour on the bowl.

Cool the dessert at room temperature and then cool it well in the refrigerator. I put in the fridge for the night.

Serve dessert sprinkled with cinnamon. If desired, you can still decorate with nuts to taste.

Cherpumple Cake, USA

This dessert was invented in Los Angeles just a few years ago. It combines the three most popular American cake: pumpkin, cherry and apple. All of them are interconnected with creamy icing and baked in the form of one large cake.


1 8-inch frozen pumpkin pie

1 box spice cake mix

1 8-inch frozen apple pie

1 box yellow cake mix

1 8-inch frozen cherry pie

1 box white cake mix

Eggs and oil according to the cake mix

3 tall tubs of cream cheese frosting

3 8.5-inch round cake pans

Bake pies according to instructions and cool to room temperature overnight. Mix cake batter according to instructions. For each layer pour about 1 1/3 cup of batter in the cake pan. Bangs in the cake pan.

Push down lightly to release any trapped air. Pour enough batter on top to cover the pie. Bake according to box instructions. Remove it from frost.

Since it's the most wonderful time of the year ... perhaps the cream cheese frosting should be dyed mint green! And, yes, you can serve your Cherpumple FLAMING! Then you can call it CHERPUMPLE PIE CAKE FLAMBE! Why, oh why didn’t think of that sooner? I really burn it down where I’m filmed the video. I’ve heard those old stoves have a lot of trapped gas!

FLASHING ... it's easy ... just make a little puddle of lemon extract in the frosting on the top of your cake. Just before you light it gather friends and family around, turn out the lights and watch it burn. Make sure to have 911 on speed dial just in case.  Just how would you explain to your nosy neighbors that the desert version of the turducken burned your house down and singed theirs? Be fully prepared for gasps and ahhhhs as your guests see pie inside cake for the first time. Cherpumple ala mode anyone? Pie cake and ice cream go SO well together.

Maple Leaves in Batter, Japan

"Momiji tempura", or maple leaves in batter is a very popular seasonal snack in Japan. The collected leaves are carefully washed, and then they are placed in barrels of salt water, where they will be for a year. Then they are dipped in batter, consisting of flour, sesame seeds and sugar, and fried in a large amount of oil.

To begin with, pedantic Japanese collect and wash the leaves very carefully. Then, they put them in special barrels of salt water, where the leaves should be within a year. As you can see, the cooking process is delayed for quite a long time. Then, they are taken out, dipped in batter (or breaded) and roasted in large quantities of hot oil. A batter (breading) is a mixture of flour, sugar and sesame seeds.

In general, I think that this dish has only the taste of the batter, and the leaf serves to give an unusual shape to the sweetness. If there is a very big desire, I think you can experiment with the leaves of the usual, familiar to us maple.

Fried Milk, Spain

Fried milk is a Spanish dessert made from milk, thickened with flour, and then roasted. When served, it is coated with icing and sprinkled with ground cinnamon or powdered sugar.

To prepare 4-6 servings you will need:

eggs - 6 pcs

flour (corn and pyshenichnaya) - 60 g spoon

vanilla sugar and powder - 120 g and 100 g

fresh milk - half a liter

cinnamon - 1 tsp

To cook roasted milk, it must be thoroughly heated in a saucepan. Parallel to this, eggs are ground with vanilla and sugar, both types of flour are added and mixed thoroughly.

Now pour the boiling milk into the resulting mixture and cook for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. As a result of such manipulations a thick and dense cream is obtained.

If you can’t reach the right consistency, you can add some more corn flour.

After this milk cream must be passed through a sieve, which will get rid of lumps. The ready mix is ​​poured into a well-oiled baking dish and remains in it until it thickens.

It remains only to cut the cream into several pieces, roll in the breading of flour and eggs and fry on both sides in a heated pan.

Before serving, do not forget to sprinkle the resulting dessert with powdered sugar.

Pancake Cake with Matcha Tea, China

For him, thin crepes are baked, to which match green tea powder is added. The cake is sandwiched with creamy butter.


Confectionery flour: 125 grams

Matcha green tea: 10 grams, (+ additional amount, for sprinkling)

Chicken eggs: 4 pieces

Milk: 250 grams

Sugar: 65 grams

Butter: 35 grams

35% cream: 50 grams

powdered sugar: 10 grams


Cooking dough. In a bowl, sift flour and powder match. Add the egg and mix well.

Add milk to the mixture and mix well. Then add sugar and mix well again.

Melt the butter and add to the dough. Mix well.

Heat the pan and add a little butter. Pour the dough into the pan with a ladle. Evenly distribute the dough over the entire surface of the pan.

Fry on both sides until golden brown. So we cook all the pancakes.

We lay out the pancakes on a plate and cover with the top of another plate (use it as a template). Cut off the pattern.

Whip cream with powder to hard peaks.

We collect the cake.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and powder of the match.

The dessert is ready to serve.



My name is Julia! I like to travel on foot, by car, by plane, by boat, by train, by bus ... Waiting for weekends, holidays, to go on a trip, to see new, to visit interesting.

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