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Australian food is simple and tasty! British, Irish, New Zealand, Italian, Greek, German, Vietnamese and Chinese traditions helped to create a unique culinary variety and originality. So what are eating in Australia?

Australian meat exotic

Nervous vegetarians, I will ask to leave, because it will be about meat. In order to try the meat of kangaroo, do not go far, because it is in every supermarket. A simple citizen hardly knows what a kenguryatin tastes like it is, so pack your bags - let's try flying.

In kangaroo meat there is little fat and a lot of useful protein and iron. It is tough, so it is marinated before use. From kenguryatiny prepare a great filling for pies, steaks, dumplings, it is stewed, baked, fried. From the most delicious part - the tail, it turns out rich, fragrant soup. In addition to kangaroo meat in Australia, rabbit, emu, opossum, and crocodile are also consumed. One of the most favorite meat dishes of Australians is steak with blood.

Meat pies are very popular. Traditional Australian meat pie (australian meat pie) - small size, fit in the palm. I would even say that this is not a pie, but a pie. The filling consists of roasted meat, vegetables, mushrooms and cheese.

Another interesting dish is pie floater. It does not look quite aesthetic. However, this "miracle" of cooking is quite tasty.

Australian food is easy to prepare, and the next dish proves it. Cheese Croutons (welsh rarebit) - ordinary croutons drenched in a mixture of melted cheese, beer, butter and mustard. Easier, fast and tasty.

Despite the abundance of food that can be prepared once or twice, Australians often sin with junk food.

Australian seafood delicacies

Australia is washed by seas and oceans from all parts of the world, so it is very rich in seafood - all kinds of fish, oysters, mussels, scallops, octopus, crabs, shrimps, lobsters, lobsters, shark meat. Barracuda, trout and salmon are very popular.

A delicious delicacy and at the same time one of the symbols of the country - the Australian perch barramundi (barramundi). Stuffed with vegetables, sprinkled with lemon juice and flavored with fragrant herbs, baked with barramundi will make your inner gourmet jump with happiness.

In some restaurants, barramundi is prepared in a non-standard way - “sous vide” (“in vacuum”). The fish is placed in a special plastic sealed bag. Water extracted from a depth of 900 meters from the surface of the Pacific Ocean is heated without boiling. Then fish is immersed in this water for about an hour. This preserves the juicy delicate taste, rich aroma and most importantly absolutely all useful properties.

Australian Aboriginal Exotics

A separate original menu from the Australian Aborigines. They eat everything that creeps, swims, runs and grows - the larvae of insects, monitor lizards, water lilies, wild vegetables and fruits. The useful and nutritious insect larvae of witchettis (witchetty) are consumed both alive and roasted on coals.

Crocodile tails, sea cow meat (dugong) are also used. Hunting dugong is prohibited, but the aborigines most likely have not heard anything about this ban. Turtle eggs are wonderfully blended in a seafood salad. Crab add to omelet. Fried kenguryatiny perfectly combines with a side dish of roasted wild potatoes, small wild tomatoes and mushrooms.

On the Arnhemland peninsula, the aborigines cook meatballs from the spiketail ray, and skillfully catch and fry the monitor lizards.

Australian desserts

The traditional sweet dish of Australia is the fairy bread (fairy bread). The basis of this delicacy is bread. It is cut into triangular pieces, smeared with butter and sprinkled with special pastry dragees (hundreds & thousands).

The most popular cake in Australia is Pavlova. It is made from fresh fruits, berries and whipped cream. According to Australian residents, the cake was first cooked for the ballet dancer Anna Pavlova and named after her.

Another dessert is the chocolate sponge lamington (lamington), named after the governor of the state of Queensrent, baron Lamington. Baron did not like this dessert, but nowadays Australian housewives happily cook it. Lamington owes its popularity to a fairly simple recipe - biscuit is covered with chocolate icing and sprinkled with coconut chips. For a change, sometimes two lamingtons are fastened together with lemon jam or cream.

Another dessert is named after the representative of the order of amphibians - frog cake. Do not be surprised, the frog was honored not because she was a governor or a ballerina, just a cupcake in its shape looks like a frog's head. The head is made from sponge cake, filled with cream and covered with fudge. This dessert was borrowed from the French confectioners.



My name is Julia! I like to travel on foot, by car, by plane, by boat, by train, by bus ... Waiting for weekends, holidays, to go on a trip, to see new, to visit interesting.

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